Lakeridge Ski Resort
Located less than 70km from Downtown Toronto, Lakeridge Resort is nestled in the beautiful Oak Ridge Moraine and offers year-round fun for everyone. Lakeridge is an exciting and safe place for you and your child to develop skills and passion for snow sports. Skiing and snowboarding is for every one of all ages! Featuring 23 runs spread over 70 acres, we offer a wide range of trails for skiers and snowboarders, from novice to expert, including mogul runs, 3 dedicated snowboard terrain parks, and separate snow tubing park. We are your first choice for beginners to experts whether you ski, snowboard, snow tube or mountain bike. During the summer we offer adventure camps and mountain biking.
家住约克区(万锦、列治文山、士嘉宝东部)的家长们,以友友会员多年的实地经验验证,综合交通、价格、开放时间、雪场地形、造雪设备、配套设施等等,Ski Lakeridge 滑雪场是东部初、中级水平滑雪者的最佳选择。
Lakeridge Ski Resort座落在距多伦多Downtown不到70公里的Oak Ridge Moraine,提供全年的度假娱乐项目。无论您喜欢滑雪还是单板滑雪,这里都能提供给你理想的场地。这里占地超过70英亩,有23条雪道,包括了从初级到高级的滑雪道、障碍滑雪、3条专门为单板设计的terrain parks,以及雪地轮胎滑道。
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